Smoking Kills - Quit Smoking!!!! - fuNJABi MuNDA
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Smoking Kills - Quit Smoking!!!!

Quit Smoking!

Thank you for Not Smoking.  
Cigarette smoke is the residue of your pleasure.  
It contaminates the air, pollutes my hair and clothes, not to mention my lungs.  
This takes place without my consent.  
I have a pleasure, also.  
I like a beer now and then.  
The residue of my pleasure is urine.  
Would you be annoyed if I stood on a chair and pissed on your head and your clothes without your consent?  
~Sign from Ken's Magic Shop

Issued in Public Interest - Quit Smoking! 

Smoking Kills - Quit Smoking!!!! Reviewed by Sunny Dhanoe on 10:36 PM Rating: 5 SMOKING  KILLS   Quit Smoking! Thank you for Not Smoking.   Cigarette smoke is the residue of your pleasure.   It contaminate...


  1. very good and social message..keep yur finger crossed.hope people who read this will stop..
    all the best

  2. Nice post,Sunny.
    you have given a very good message.
    Must congrats you.

  3. I tried to comment on your earlier posts many times.
    I don't know the reason.
    I had asked the reason on your
    mom's blog too.
    Anyway,many many thanks
    for your earlier presentations also.
    Best wishes for navraatri festival.
    Please,find time to visit my blog.

  4. Thank you Mr. Jayendrasharan...
    Thank you Rakesh Sir.
