'Inkquisitive Illustration' - fuNJABi MuNDA
Monday, October 24, 2011

'Inkquisitive Illustration'

'Inkquisitive Illustration' as the Artist Amandeep Singh Diraag describes is An Illustrative Yet Unique Trend Set Which Is Progressing Through The UK. Having Just Completed A BA In 'Graphic Design/Illustration' And Recently Gaining A First Class In A Masters (Illustration), Artist have Aided himself In Working In Various Fields Of Design. To Name A Few, Artist Have Applied his Skills Towards Footwear Designs, Editorials, Children’s Books To Clothing And Much More. Therefore, 'Ink'quisitive Illustration' Does Not Have A Direct Specific Position Towards Illustration, But All The Many Fundamentals Within.

Inkquisitive Illustration is a British art-based company engaged in Inkquisitive such creative projects that can be attributed to the art!

Artist has a unique way of displaying his Art design and fantastically painted work. The service, the design and the awesomness of Inkquisitive prevails far greater than anything.  We were really impressed with the quality, colours and the actual drawing.  Inkquisitive Illustration is definitely a name to keep an eye on. The artwork is original, innovative, eye-catching and unique - there is no one out there like Inkqusitive! Things can only get better - GREAT WORK!!

Inkquisitive Illustration © 2010 (All Rights Reserved Amandeep Singh Diraag)

Also Read : 

Sikh Art - Inkquisitive Illustration on RADiO PUNJAB


'Inkquisitive Illustration' Reviewed by Sunny Dhanoe on 8:29 PM Rating: 5 'Inkquisitive Illustration'  as the Artist  Amandeep Singh Diraag   describes is An Illustrative Yet Unique Trend Set Which...


  1. बेहतरीन कार्य

  2. inkquisitive is a fraud paji. he traces all of his work. please try to overlay real photographs over his work. you will see he traces.
